
November 24, 2010 Leave a comment

DIM is an up and coming communications company that is focused on providing products where businesses can enhance client experience. Our first product is an application where clients can interact with a product without it physically being present. This works by having the user download our product onto their mobile device then installing it which would only take a few minutes. Your device would then be able to detect the special barcode on any product which would then project it into your environment. It is the newest form of augmented reality since the client can sense, feel and interact with the hologram product as if it was the actual product. However there is a time limit for each hologram so clients would not have unlimited use of the hologram product. The projection provides graphics, sounds and reactivity. It blurs the line between computer-generated virtual reality and reality itself.

We are re-inventing communication and technology. Our goal is to change the world’s business models to save capital, make smarter decisions and to integrate technology within businesses. This presents new opportunities in online shopping as well since now you can physically try out the product before a purchase. Companies can now seal business transactions faster than before due to the effectiveness of our product. In our fast-paced society, time is money so by completing business deals, your company’s productivity increases, sales increase and a growth in revenue is more likely.

Imagine yourself purchasing a product online that you’ve never seen in person, you’re nervous that the product may not live up to what you believe, we are here to prevent confusion.

Categories: Uncategorized

Hello world!

November 24, 2010 1 comment

Welcome to WordPress.com. This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging!

Categories: Uncategorized